Thursday, December 24, 2015

Odd feline behaviors

In case you've ever wondered why your kitty bites her nails or randomly runs from one end of your place to the other, this page (and I apologize in advance for the way the site is laid out, but I can do nothing about that) gives some good insight into those things. Here's the list of random cat behaviors.

  1. Nail Biting
  2. Eye of the tiger
  3. Random sprinting
  4. Unladylike sitting
  5. Rubbing against you
  6. Uncovered poop
  7. Hissing
  8. Sniffing your face
  9. Twitching ears
  10. Pointed ears
  11. Little meow
  12. Loud meow
  13. Imitating a baby
  14. Chattering
  15. Crazy cat lady
  16. Laying on your things
  17. Rolling in the street
  18. Sleeping on your chest
  19. Sneaky cat
  20. Kneading paws
  21. Tummy up
  22. Night owl
  23. Potty outside the litter box
  24. Biting
  25. Feet attacks
Some explanations are better than others, but these are CATS we're talking about, so that shouldn't surprise you.

Happy Reading!


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Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Tempting Trappings and Forbidden Feasts (Courtesy of the Old Town Crier)

The Old Town Crier has been a long-time supporter of King Street Cats and we're happy to share their articles on our Blog. Their current issue has an article titled Tempting Trappings and Forbidden Feasts and the TL:DR (that's Too Long, Didn't Read) version is below.

As the holiday season rolls through, it's important to not only reflect on yourself, but also on your furry children. And as much as you may enjoy having your friends and family over, your pets may not enjoy the extra noise (and feet) in their domain. The following are some things to consider during this season:

  • Decorations
    • Many holiday decorations, while they can look amazing, are dangerous to your pets. From the tree itself (cats love to climb!) to the tinsel on the tree, be mindful of what your pet has access to, especially when you're not home.
  • Holiday Food
    • We all know that chocolate is no good for your pet, but neither are certain fruits and nuts (raisins or macadamias, for example). Drinks (beer, wine, egg nog) are just as bad. Make sure there are adequate distractions for your pet, so they're not trying to take your seat at the table.
  • Pets as Gifts
    • Having a pet is a huge commitment, one that should come with a great deal of thought. Everyone should be willing and able to take care of a pet. Pets are a lifetime of time and money (in a good way) and these things should not be an afterthought.
  • Holiday Stress
    • Keep not only your stress level in check, but that of your pet. S/he will need a quiet, private space to retreat to when the room is noisier than normal. Let your guests know you have a pet and to be mindful of them. Keep an eye on children when they play with your pets. Take your dog for an extra walk to relieve stress for you both. Stick to your pets routine as closely as possible [This is huge, in my opinion. ~Jason].

Check out the full article (Thanks Sarah!) and share your comments in the, well, comments section!

~Jason Edinger (and yes, I know my summary is also probably TL:DR...)

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Friday, December 11, 2015

Why your cat likes to knock things over

With the relaunch of the KSC Blog, I found it appropriately fitting to post an article that could act as a follow up to the last-published article on the Blog, Cat Crashers, That said, I give you Why your cat likes to knock things over (according to science)

The quick version: It's because they can! (And that's according to an actual Doctor.) More often than not, however, they're really just trying to get your attention, whether they're hungry, bored, etc. And because they're nocturnal creatures, this generally happens at night (of course).

The other reason is far more sinister: They're practicing their hunting skills.

Speaking from my own experience, it's only things related to my mobile phone (specifically pushing it off the table where it lays charging) or the tv remote (I think Tommy just likes to see my reaction, while Lilly directs traffic from across the room). Half the time, it's just prior to their normal feeding time. The other half, it's between 2 and 5 am where I do my best to ignore them so I can sleep. Which is a futile thing to try to do when you have a hungry cat. Just sayin'.

Check out the full article and be sure to share your experiences in the comments!

~Jason Edinger

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