We all know how powerful and far-reaching the internet can be. Through venues like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, blogs, etc., our messages can be mass reproduced in a short amount of time and with little to no cost. Do you ever wonder the effectiveness of your cyber-posts? Here is a heart-warming story of 2 soon-to-be-homeless-or-worse kitties from New Orleans, LA, that have somehow found their way to King Street Cats in Alexandria, VA. Just one cyber connection after another falling into place to rescue these kitties. This story came from a blog called Covered in Cat Hair...so nice of them to promote King Street Cats. We're all fighting for the same cause...don't miss new posts on either blog.
That very cute kitty pictured above is my Jake. I'll spare you his complete name lest you think I am OVERqualified in the crazy cat lady department. No doubt he is surfing Facebook where he and brother and sister share their own page.
Absolutely awesome!
That's a neat story! Can't wait to meet these kitties at King Street Cats!
I think Jake could give Barney the Flushing Toilet cat a run for his money in the smarts department!
This is a very cool story! Just the feel good moment I want to keep volunteering!
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