Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Ever wonder why do cats lick you? When a cat jumps into your lap, settles in, relaxes and shortly thereafter starts licking your face, you have just received the feline version of a huge compliment. Since this behavior is an expression of deep affection and trust, it is truly a moment for cat guardians to treasure.
Even though some of my friends, who are not cat savvy, start making disapproving sounds and disdainful clucking noises when they observe Sir Hubble Pinkerton, our white Oriental Short-hair start “grooming” me, I  feel his love  and I am  deeply honored that he considers me part of his family.
I am sure my friends’ apparent scorn is based solely on their concern for my health, and stems from not understanding what makes cats do what they do!
However, this said, one of the most common questions asked by folks who live with felines is, “What does it mean when a cat licks you?” And since I always enjoy Sir Hubble’s raspy-tongued shampoos, I thought it would be fun and useful to shine some light on the subject.
As social beings, cats lick each other for a variety of reasons. As newborn kittens, their very first worldly experience is being licked clean by their mother and as they get older, for grooming. Kittens groom one another, and adult cats who are not related, but get along well who get along often spend considerable time grooming one another.
If you have ever watched cats licking one other, it’s obvious that the cats receive great enjoyment from the tactile sensation of a rough, moist tongue grooming their bodies. It is not only pleasant and calming, while exchanging their scents, mutual licking helps to build and maintain close bonds.
When I am watching our cats in the middle of a grooming session, I too start getting drowsy. And when Sir Hubble Pinkerton starts grooming my hair, his tender ministrations can lull me to sleep.
But even the most passionate cat lovers don’t lick their kitties to return the favor. Instead, we pet them. The sensation cats feel, as we gently stroke their fur, may in fact resemble their mother’s loving touch. Of course there are some of us who do sniff our kitties, since the scent of a healthy cat is delightfully subtle to feline connoisseurs. But don’t knock cat-sniffing until you try it. Our cats appear to really enjoy a good sniffing session.***

Feeling like you need a good ol' kitty loofah-ing in you life?  
Check out all our sweeties here 
and see which one would look good licking your face! 

***See the article source here.

1 comment:

Samantha at Pollinator Plates said...

I love this post! I lost my dear kitty Sasha back in November- I had her for over 20 years, since she was a baby. She was a VERY licky kitty, especially in her later years, and I always enjoyed her kisses. This post brought back lots of sweet memories and was nice to read. Thanks for posting!